Welcome to Kindergarten!

We are an enthusiastic and curious group of learners. We are writers, readers, mathematicians, and scientists learning in a kind and respectful classroom community. Please follow along our journey through kindergarten...

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week of April 13

This months 4Winds lesson: birds in the forest.

VT has the largest population of breeding birds in the United States. COOL FACT!

Birds in the forest...this is a Sap Sucker.

We learned about various VT birds and their key features. Different birds play important roles in the forest ecosystem.

Outside, children searched for 12 birds; They referenced a bird guide to identify each bird.

Bird binoculars.

You Skills: Reviewing the 3 R's of safety

Some other safety ideas to remember.

Never-never Rules.

Building CVC words in ABC.

Beat You to 15 Cents: children enjoy this new math game. The main math skills involve the counting on strategy , working with pennies and nickels, and trading (or exchanging) 5 pennies for 1 nickel.

We have been working on a 5 Senses Unit.

Children are writing in the 5 Senses Journals.

In math, we are revisiting 2 and 3 dimensional shapes and their attributes.

What Do You Know About Shapes?

Sorting shapes

Talking about the attributes of a hexagon;

...a rhombus...

...a triangle...

...a square...

...and a trapezoid.

We recorded all the information!

I concluded our lesson with this question.

In the next math lesson, we talked about circles and spheres.

Watercolor painting in the theme area. We were inspired by our 4 Winds lesson to paint birds.