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We are an enthusiastic and curious group of learners. We are writers, readers, mathematicians, and scientists learning in a kind and respectful classroom community. Please follow along our journey through kindergarten...

Friday, March 13, 2015

Week of March 9

4 Winds:
The core idea of this months' 4 Winds was that deer have a huge impact on the forest ecosystem. They are the most important herbivores in the forest. They create fertilizer for the trees, and trees provide buds and flowers for deer to eat.

Deer are a staple in a predators diet, like a coyote. Predators keep deer fast, they have to run for survival. And the deer keep coyotes agile by needing to chase them.

Deer stick together to stay safe.

Feast or famine.
A 100 pound deer needs to eat 3 pounds of twigs and other deer food a day.

A deer hoof.

Deer can see 310 degrees since their large eyes are on the side of their heads.

Deer pelt is great insulation in winter.

Deer have large ears to hear predators.

A deer can jump 8 feet high....

...and 22 feet long!!

Sudden flash of a white tail is a warning signal of danger.

You Skills: Emotions

Emotions. Children acted out various emotions.

Clover them activity.

Foxes and Dens, a new math game, encourages the concept of counting on from a number.

Beat You to 20 is another new math game. This game fosters combinations of 20, counting on, counting by fives and tens.

Literacy with Mrs. Brady

Ahhhhh Capella group 
This group joined us from the VSO for a wonderful performance. They sang several genres of music and the children were a fantastic and engaged audience!

Soprano sings the highest notes

Alto sings a little lower


Bass voice sings the lowest.

Rainbow Writing in ABC: Children practice writing sight words in the pattern of a rainbow.

Proud students :)

10 frame and teen numeral matching in 123.

For our Fun Friday activity with Mrs. Cota's class, we read Spring books and talked about how March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. We are all eager to experience Spring weather and enjoy warm weather activities!

As a kindergarten unit, we made lions and lambs!

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